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Quantum of Photography


Quantum of Photography

Understanding Photographic Quants and their Perception

An image is pixelated or energized photographic films by photons as per radiation sent or absorbed by the object in focus. A digital picture has sensors to absorb the sensitivity of the visible spectrum and encode the reading in digital signatures to be processed by the integrated SoCs. 

So, what you see in a digital picture is not exactly the object in focus, but around its perception to look alike as the subject.
Nowadays, companies are making more efficient image sensors, adding more pixels for greater details and clearer images.

But, the basics of imaging optics have been diverted to some limits of research. And, therefore we are still behind the efficiency and stealth of the human eye. Conversing energy has always been an imperfect process. Whenever an energy form converts into a desirable form there is always a loss of some energy in the form of a non-desirable form of energy. Thus, whenever an optical image put into sensation by photons is converted into an electronic signature some energy is wasted in form of heat energy.

Perception of photography

Customizing the World of Photography through Quantum Mechanics

Photography needs a change in electronic image perception to lithograph better quality images. The proposed theory says instead of optimizing images and then turning them into an electronic signature, one should perceive the image in electrons/photons. 

The process saying, use electrons or photons to graph the coordinates of each pixel of the subject, and then put the same kind of graphing in similar kind of  SoC i.e. quantum mechanics of one perceiving particles used for image sensing must match the quantum mechanics of particle used for image processing. In this, we do not suffer valuable energy losses as information for the image being taken.

This gives better lithographical images of any kind. However, a photonic perception has always been easy as a lot of photo-sensitive elements can be used not only in like old days but also as photon emitters and transponders of photo-sensitive information. The same method as we use in Quantum Computers. The theme is to create better eyes to perceive better images.

Thanks for the time.



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