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Time Machine


Time Machine

Time: Is it absolute?

Time in its terms is a network of gravitation and electromagnetic or dark matter energies in the frames of dimensions. As shown in various time machine movies it is possible to travel in time. 

Information of correct energy configuration and dimensions will lead you to the correct time sought after. So no one can say time is absolute. Famous movies like Interstellar have demonstrated it very well.

How can you understand time in more simple terms?

To understand time one needs basic physics knowledge of relativity. Time is a configuration of relative movements of celestial bodies in space and their energy dimensions as per the movement. 

Think of a train that moves parallelly to you, and it seems that time has stopped reacting to your movement, but it hasn't. It has just similar movement dimensions from your moving perspectives. It is like a piece of music where a chord or cipher not played well leads to a misunderstanding of it.

How to invent time?

Like we discussed if every chord i.e. piece of information about the relative configuration and energy placed well produces time and gravity in the same universe. For it, one needs to study dimensions and energy very well.

We can create a machine that helps the promised aim by studying the configurations of energy relative to time. 

And the book by H.G. Wells about the fiction of the time and Albert Einstein's theory suggests that if a particle is rotated by or energized by another particle with a similar configuration of photon it can create an energy pathway to the desired configuration put in.

A lot of energies on earth are initiated by photonic collision or absorption. Therefore, a major part of the time we seek is the photonic energy in or another form. 

So to create a time machine in our solar system we need to understand photonic energy and its dimension configurations of the targeted place of creation.

Understanding deep mysteries and proposed fiction have always been simple. 

Restoring from time machine: is it complicated?

To reverse back time travel one needs to know what happened in the past, meaning what were the energy and gravity configurations with respect to the universe, when one left the place of travel.

Saying theoretically might be a fiction story to tell but tried practically shall give you the results sought after.

The real-time machine is not very difficult to build if our manufacturing units are close enough to accurate.


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